Mutilated Body of Missing lowa Boy Found in Pasture

SIOUX CITY, Ia., Sept. 29P-The month-long search for 8-year-old Jimmie Bremmer came to a grim end today when his mutilated body was found in a pasture only four miles from the lad's home.

Jimmie's distraught mother


t fix the specific cause death.


Three highway maintenance men found the body.

Discovery of the body came a day after thousands of persons in this area turned out for a mass search for Jimmie.

confirmed police identifcation Canadians Face

when she was shown a belt and a pair of tennis shoes removed from the body after its discov-


"That's Jimmie's," she wept.

Russell White, assistant Sioux City police chief, said holes in the skull indicated the boy's attacker may have used a heavy instrument to bludgeon him to death.

Admits Talking to Boy

At nearby Cherokee, meantime, it was disclosed that Sioux City police had taken renewed custody of an itinerant salesman previously questioned at length in the case.

The salesman, described by Police Chief James O'Keefe as "psychotic as well as homosexual," has admitted talking to the boy the night he disappeared but steadfastly denies an knowledge of Jimmie's fate..


After days of questioning in Sioux City he entered the state mental health institute at Cherokee as a voluntary patient to undergo psychiatric treatment.

Institute officials said a psychiatrist and two policemen left Cherokee this afternoon to take the patient to the scene where Jimmie's body was found and observe his reactions. The salesman's identity has not been disclosed.

The lad last was seen about 8 p. m. Aug. 31 when he bid goodnight to a playmate after the two had watched television at a neighbor's. Jimmie then began walking toward the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Bremmer. He never arrived.

His parents received no ransom note or communication. His father, a bakery checker, is of modest means:

With discovery of the body, police listed the case as an apparent abduction slaying. An autopsy was ordered in an effort

Jail as Smugglers

OTTAWA, Ont., Sept. 29Within the next 24 hours the Royal Canadian Mounted Police expect to round up more than 100 persons who are part of a well-organized cigarette smuggling ring that has been bringing tons of United States ciga-

rettes into Canada in recent weeks.

An R. C. M. P. spokesman today said 14 persons in the Montreal area have been arrested and that warrants will be issued for nearly 100 more within the next few hours.

In the last few months the multimillion dollar syndicate has brought in close to three billion illegal cigarettes from the United States, the R. C. M. P. said.

Most of the trafficking was done through northern New York state and into the southern section of Quebec Province in the Montreal area. All of the arrests will be on the Canadian side of the border in that general neighborhood.

The smuggled cigarettes, which sell here for $2.50 a carton represent a loss in tax reve-l